πŸŒ† EnderPunk: Spacepunk

πŸͺ Spacepunk Week

This week we're setting our sights high and traveling into the cold expanse of space. The loneliness of space travel is stressful enough, but what if we find aliens or our ship's AI turns evil? Be ready for anything because it's πŸͺ Spacepunk week!

⭐️ Highlights

β€” Chat is easier to read with better coloring, shorter messages, and clearer copy

β€” Submitting is 3x faster with support for multiple file uploads at the same time

β€” Competitions now have special prizes like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

🎨 Easier to Read Messages

‼️The updated chat is rolling out in the next few days.

Chat messages just got a whole lot easier to browse and read. Different types of messages have different colors, so you can easily tell when you’re reading a notification (yellow), error (red), success (green), system message (grey), and chat (determined by your rank).

System messages and notifications have been updated to be shorter so your chat with your team doesn’t get interrupted. Error messages now tell you exactly what went wrong and how you can fix it. They even include the commands you need to run.

πŸ”’ 3x Faster Uploads

Submitting builds is now 3x faster because you can upload multiple screenshots simultaneously. No more uploading one screenshot at a time. Select all your build screenshots and drag them into the upload box. You’ll see the screenshots load as their uploaded.

✨ New

β€” Special prizes for competitions like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

β€” Server IP on the left sidebar to make it easier to join

β€” Leave a warning when you leave a team

β€” Teleport message telling you which plot you’ve been teleported to

β€” Join the server prompt after you join your first competition

β€” See recent messages when you join the server

πŸ’Ž Improvements

β€” XP notification in Minecraft

β€” Removed second badge on Minecraft and Web

β€” Shorter links in Minecraft

β€” 7-day build backups across the server

β€” Minecraft server URL is automatically pasted to your clipboard when you join a competition

β€” Live countdown on competition pages

🐞 Fixes

β€” Fixed a bug that disabled the $1 reward from the "Invite a Friend" quest

β€” Skipping the in-game tutorial now properly takes you to your competition

β€” "Teleport in Minecraft" buttons on project pages now work more consistently

β€” Resolved problems with plots not reloading builds correctly

β€” The team member list in-game should now update if a member leaves the team

β€” Team chat history will now properly load when joining the channel in-game

β€” The /tp, /earnings, /show, /hide and /sidebar commands work everywhere

β€” The /connect command now gives a response if your account is already linked

β€” The Void Pearl is now accessible in all world types

πŸŒ† EnderPunk: Spacepunk

πŸͺ Spacepunk Week

This week we're setting our sights high and traveling into the cold expanse of space. The loneliness of space travel is stressful enough, but what if we find aliens or our ship's AI turns evil? Be ready for anything because it's πŸͺ Spacepunk week!

⭐️ Highlights

β€” Chat is easier to read with better coloring, shorter messages, and clearer copy

β€” Submitting is 3x faster with support for multiple file uploads at the same time

β€” Competitions now have special prizes like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

🎨 Easier to Read Messages

‼️The updated chat is rolling out in the next few days.

Chat messages just got a whole lot easier to browse and read. Different types of messages have different colors, so you can easily tell when you’re reading a notification (yellow), error (red), success (green), system message (grey), and chat (determined by your rank).

System messages and notifications have been updated to be shorter so your chat with your team doesn’t get interrupted. Error messages now tell you exactly what went wrong and how you can fix it. They even include the commands you need to run.

πŸ”’ 3x Faster Uploads

Submitting builds is now 3x faster because you can upload multiple screenshots simultaneously. No more uploading one screenshot at a time. Select all your build screenshots and drag them into the upload box. You’ll see the screenshots load as their uploaded.

✨ New

β€” Special prizes for competitions like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

β€” Server IP on the left sidebar to make it easier to join

β€” Leave a warning when you leave a team

β€” Teleport message telling you which plot you’ve been teleported to

β€” Join the server prompt after you join your first competition

β€” See recent messages when you join the server

πŸ’Ž Improvements

β€” XP notification in Minecraft

β€” Removed second badge on Minecraft and Web

β€” Shorter links in Minecraft

β€” 7-day build backups across the server

β€” Minecraft server URL is automatically pasted to your clipboard when you join a competition

β€” Live countdown on competition pages

🐞 Fixes

β€” Fixed a bug that disabled the $1 reward from the "Invite a Friend" quest

β€” Skipping the in-game tutorial now properly takes you to your competition

β€” "Teleport in Minecraft" buttons on project pages now work more consistently

β€” Resolved problems with plots not reloading builds correctly

β€” The team member list in-game should now update if a member leaves the team

β€” Team chat history will now properly load when joining the channel in-game

β€” The /tp, /earnings, /show, /hide and /sidebar commands work everywhere

β€” The /connect command now gives a response if your account is already linked

β€” The Void Pearl is now accessible in all world types

πŸŒ† EnderPunk: Spacepunk

πŸͺ Spacepunk Week

This week we're setting our sights high and traveling into the cold expanse of space. The loneliness of space travel is stressful enough, but what if we find aliens or our ship's AI turns evil? Be ready for anything because it's πŸͺ Spacepunk week!

⭐️ Highlights

β€” Chat is easier to read with better coloring, shorter messages, and clearer copy

β€” Submitting is 3x faster with support for multiple file uploads at the same time

β€” Competitions now have special prizes like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

🎨 Easier to Read Messages

‼️The updated chat is rolling out in the next few days.

Chat messages just got a whole lot easier to browse and read. Different types of messages have different colors, so you can easily tell when you’re reading a notification (yellow), error (red), success (green), system message (grey), and chat (determined by your rank).

System messages and notifications have been updated to be shorter so your chat with your team doesn’t get interrupted. Error messages now tell you exactly what went wrong and how you can fix it. They even include the commands you need to run.

πŸ”’ 3x Faster Uploads

Submitting builds is now 3x faster because you can upload multiple screenshots simultaneously. No more uploading one screenshot at a time. Select all your build screenshots and drag them into the upload box. You’ll see the screenshots load as their uploaded.

✨ New

β€” Special prizes for competitions like Judge’s Pick, Most Creative, and Most Aesthetic

β€” Server IP on the left sidebar to make it easier to join

β€” Leave a warning when you leave a team

β€” Teleport message telling you which plot you’ve been teleported to

β€” Join the server prompt after you join your first competition

β€” See recent messages when you join the server

πŸ’Ž Improvements

β€” XP notification in Minecraft

β€” Removed second badge on Minecraft and Web

β€” Shorter links in Minecraft

β€” 7-day build backups across the server

β€” Minecraft server URL is automatically pasted to your clipboard when you join a competition

β€” Live countdown on competition pages

🐞 Fixes

β€” Fixed a bug that disabled the $1 reward from the "Invite a Friend" quest

β€” Skipping the in-game tutorial now properly takes you to your competition

β€” "Teleport in Minecraft" buttons on project pages now work more consistently

β€” Resolved problems with plots not reloading builds correctly

β€” The team member list in-game should now update if a member leaves the team

β€” Team chat history will now properly load when joining the channel in-game

β€” The /tp, /earnings, /show, /hide and /sidebar commands work everywhere

β€” The /connect command now gives a response if your account is already linked

β€” The Void Pearl is now accessible in all world types

Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB. Ender is not an official Minecraft product.

Not approved or associated with Mojang.

Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB. Ender is not an official Minecraft product.

Not approved or associated with Mojang.

Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB. Ender is not an official Minecraft product.

Not approved or associated with Mojang.